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Elon Musk is best known for his two revolutionary companies SpaceX and Tesla Motors. Some time ago he proposed a "tubular system that shoots pod-like capsules between destinations at rates nearing the speed of sound". Progress is made rapidly in this area and first projects might come into reality in a few years. #ChapmanMBA #BusinessNews #ElonMusk
Author: Chapman MBA
Chapman MBA
Elon Musk is best known for his two revolutionary companies SpaceX and Tesla Motors. Some time ago he proposed a "tubular system that shoots pod-like capsules between destinations at rates nearing the speed of sound". Progress is made rapidly in this area and first projects might come into reality in a few years. #ChapmanMBA... read more »
All Chapman MBA students get a free subscription to the Bloomberg Businessweek magazine! With this weekly delivery they can stay on top of current news from the business world and make additional valuable contributions during classroom discussions. What a great resource! #ChapmanMBA #BloombergBusinessweek #BusinessNews #MBAlife #GetYourReadOn
Author: Chapman MBA
Chapman MBA
All Chapman MBA students get a free subscription to the Bloomberg Businessweek magazine! With this weekly delivery they can stay on top of current news from the business world and make additional valuable contributions during classroom discussions. What a great resource! #ChapmanMBA #BloombergBusinessweek #BusinessNews ... read more »
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