Social.Chapman #GAMETIME

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Our program is demanding and some students refresh their minds by taking a break from studying and hang out with fellow students. Last Friday, a group gathered to play a fast paced commodities trading game called "Pit". Don't forget class work is only a small part of The Chapman MBA experience. Hey Chapman MBAs we would love to hear other ways you spend your precious free time, send a few words or a picture to #ChapmanMBA #GameTime #CompetitiveSpirit #MBAfriends #Networking #LifeLongFriends
Author: Chapman MBA
Chapman MBA
Our program is demanding and some students refresh their minds by taking a break from studying and hang out with fellow students. Last Friday, a group gathered to play a fast paced commodities trading game called "Pit". Don't forget class work is only a small part of The Chapman MBA experience. Hey Chapman MBAs we would love... read more ยป
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