The Panthers are putting up a good fight against the Bulldogs but Redlands is playing strong and leading Chapman 44-38 (10:52) #WBB #d3hoops Chapman AthleticsThe Panthers are putting up a good fight against the Bulldogs but Redlands is playing strong and leading Chapman 44-38 (10:52) #WBB #d3hoops
1st T.O. of the game called by Redlands w/ 17:11 still left on the clock. Chapman 2-0. #d3hoops #WBB Chapman Athletics1st T.O. of the game called by Redlands w/ 17:11 still left on the clock. Chapman 2-0. #d3hoops #WBB
Sandra Gao makes the first hoop of the game! Way to kick things off Chapman #SCIAC #D3 #WBB #cupanthers #d3hoops Chapman AthleticsSandra Gao makes the first hoop of the game! Way to kick things off Chapman #SCIAC #D3 #WBB #cupanthers #d3hoops
Chapman up 30 pts ahead of @wcpoets @CUPantherSports #d3hoops #WBB Chapman AthleticsChapman up 30 pts ahead of @wcpoets @CUPantherSports #d3hoops #WBB
@ChapmanBball #WBB Chapman leading Claremont 62-45 in the 2H w/ 9:04 left on the clock. #d3hoops #cupanthers Chapman Athletics@ChapmanBball #WBB Chapman leading Claremont 62-45 in the 2H w/ 9:04 left on the clock. #d3hoops #cupanthers
At halftime #ChapmanU #WBB leads 41-32 against #Redlands. #GoPanthers #d3hoops Chapman AthleticsAt halftime #ChapmanU #WBB leads 41-32 against #Redlands. #GoPanthers #d3hoops