RT @csbn_live: Off to a great start... #chapmanfootball scores within the first minutes https://t.co/ewD0Am1Lsi Chapman AthleticsRT @csbn_live: Off to a great start... #chapmanfootball scores within the first minutes https://t.co/ewD0Am1Lsi
Thank you @chapmanfootball for putting the beat down on Cal Lutheran! Everyone gets 20% off Chapman gear today at the gift shop and bookstore for 7 Touchdowns! #chapmanu #iamchapman #chapmanfootball #chapmanathletics #chapmangiftshop #chapmanbookstore #chapmancampusstores Thank you @chapmanfootball for putting the beat down on Cal Lutheran! Everyone gets 20% off Chapman gear today at the gift shop and bookstore for 7 Touchdowns! #chapmanu #iamchapman #chapmanfootball #chapmanathletics #chapmangiftshop #chapmanbookstore #chapmancampusstores