Social.Chapman #lapq

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TUESDAY NIGHT 10/27 the Chapman #Percussion Ensemble performs under the direction of Nicholas Terry (#LAPQ, #ChapmanU), featuring diverse works by American and international composers: #SteveReich, #GuoWenjing, #ThierryDeMey, #JasonTreuting, and #JohnCage. Admission is FREE! Concert starts at 8pm in Salmon Recital Hall.
Author: CU College of Performing Arts
CU College of Performing Arts
TUESDAY NIGHT 10/27 the Chapman #Percussion Ensemble performs under the direction of Nicholas Terry (#LAPQ, #ChapmanU), featuring diverse works by American and international composers: #SteveReich, #GuoWenjing, #ThierryDeMey, #JasonTreuting, and #JohnCage. Admission is FREE! Concert starts at 8pm in Salmon Recital Hall.
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