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“This fall semester I am interning for “The Dr. Phil Show” located in the heart of the Paramount studios lot in Hollywood. I choose to intern for "Dr. Phil", because I enjoy a high paced work environment. Some of my tasks include the preparation of shooting scripts for field shoots and the production of interview videos through post. I am building strong relationships with influential professionals and gaining relevant experience in TV production, which suits my desired career path.” Guy Lahav, MBA '15, from Israel, BFA in Cinematography and Film Production, Intern at Paramount Pictures #ChapmanMBA #Fallnternship #ParamountStudios #TakeBoldSteps #MBAintern #Hollywood
Author: Chapman MBA
Chapman MBA
“This fall semester I am interning for “The Dr. Phil Show” located in the heart of the Paramount studios lot in Hollywood. I choose to intern for "Dr. Phil", because I enjoy a high paced work environment. Some of my tasks include the preparation of shooting scripts for field shoots and the production of interview videos... read more »
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