If you missed the #ecoolympics screening of #tapped no worries, you can check it out from #leatherbylibrary #tappedout @chapmanu @lifeatcu @chapmansga you also missed @sprinklescupcakes! #cupcakes Sustainable ChapmanIf you missed the #ecoolympics screening of #tapped no worries, you can check it out from #leatherbylibrary #tappedout @chapmanu @lifeatcu @chapmansga you also missed @sprinklescupcakes! #cupcakes
If you missed the #ecoolympics screening of #tapped no worries, you can check it out from… http://t.co/NwjlAastAl SustainChapmanIf you missed the #ecoolympics screening of #tapped no worries, you can check it out from… http://t.co/NwjlAastAl