Social.Chapman #theleap

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Ari Jogiel-Schlam is a '11 business alumnus and will start a Kickstarter campaign for his new all-american fashion brand LEOPARDËT on November 4th! The majority of the items are already produced in the US, but with the declared goal of $100,000 he hopes to bring the entire production into the US and expand his team. Go check it out and support #theleap! #ChapmanUniversity #ArgyrosSchool #ChapmanNetwork
Author: Chapman MBA
Chapman MBA
Ari Jogiel-Schlam is a '11 business alumnus and will start a Kickstarter campaign for his new all-american fashion brand LEOPARDËT on November 4th! The majority of the items are already produced in the US, but with the declared goal of $100,000 he hopes to bring the entire production into the US and expand his team. Go check... read more »
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