Social.Chapman #gradstudent

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Tomorrow is the GRAD STUDENT SOCIAL! Join us at 5pm in Argyros Forum Room #308. Appetizers will be provided and drinks will be available for purchase. Please bring photo ID as well as your chapman ID. Hope to see you there! #ChapmanMBA #gradstudentsocial #social #gradstudent #gradlife #graduate
Author: Chapman MBA
Chapman MBA
Tomorrow is the GRAD STUDENT SOCIAL! Join us at 5pm in Argyros Forum Room #308. Appetizers will be provided and drinks will be available for purchase. Please bring photo ID as well as your chapman ID. Hope to see you there! #ChapmanMBA #gradstudentsocial #social #gradstudent #gradlife #graduate
Put the GRAD STUDENT SOCIAL on your calendars! The event is on Friday, Feb 17 at 5pm in Argyros Forum Room #308. Appetizers will be provided and drinks will be available for purchase. Please bring photo ID as well as your chapman ID. Hope to see you there! #ChapmanMBA #gradstudentsocial #social #gradstudent #gradlife #graduate
Author: Chapman MBA
Chapman MBA
Put the GRAD STUDENT SOCIAL on your calendars! The event is on Friday, Feb 17 at 5pm in Argyros Forum Room #308. Appetizers will be provided and drinks will be available for purchase. Please bring photo ID as well as your chapman ID. Hope to see you there! #ChapmanMBA #gradstudentsocial #social #gradstudent #gradlife ... read more Â»
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